Kevin Smook, working for you!
Kevin Smook is a local real estate broker and municipal Councillor (Reeve) in and around Beaver County. In addition to these roles, Kevin serves on a number of community boards, across Central Alberta.
Visit my company's real estate website to find out more about my work in that area.
Meet Kevin Smook
"My wife Sheila and I have been living in the area for over 30 years. This is where we raised our family and launched our real estate business. All four of our children graduated from Tofield School and two of them graduated from the University of Alberta - Augustana Campus. I wish they continued to live in this area, but they have pursued opportunities elsewhere. I’d like to work towards creating more opportunities right here, in the Camrose Constituency, so we can retain and attract young people to our area.
My political experience includes over 10 years serving on Beaver County Council. I was elected in 2013 and acclaimed in the 2017 and 2021 municipal elections. Council also elected me as Reeve in 2014 and again in 2021. I’m also proud to have been involved with many community boards (Lions Club, Ag Society, Chamber, Rotary), and I've been the back up play-by-play voice for the Camrose Kodiaks for over 10 years."